
[DAY 14]
  • [Into the Eclectic Castle]

  • [Princess?]

    [Looking for the Princess throughout the Castle]

    [The ostentatious decoration of the Castle]


    [Stairs and more stairs.]

    [Guardian beasts]

    [Princess Lûl?]

    [This Castle is huge!]

    [At Last! I found Queen Astrid.]

    [I observe cautiously each of her Majesty's movements]

    [...but someone else is watching mine at the same time.]

    [You've got no exit...]

    [I fell into their trap]

    umf 2:16 AM


    Anonymous Anonymous Seeded...

    Heeeeeeeeeey!! yo tenia esos moniiitos! (no hace muchomucho tiempo, eh?? Conste! y que quede datado!!) De repente tuve un flashback a mi infancia! Chido chido! Gracias.

    11:09 AM  

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